

Monster Tooth Fairy Pillow

First of all, the photos above are the reason I had to make a new tooth fairy pillow for my grandson. Lola their dog thought the bear made a good chew toy, the funny thing is I was there babysitting the boys at the time!  I couldn't figure out why there was cotton stuffing all over and then I could hear slobbering, chomping and snorting.  It sounded like I was at a mini pig farm.  Its weird how she can just take out all the stuffing and completely disfigure a poor helpless tooth fairy bear. The bear now looks like a bad Gumby.

I didn't really want to make another of the same, so I decided to make a monster tooth fairy pillow. I used the scraps I had left over from the bear for the eyes because those are Jackson's favorite colors.  He said he likes this tooth pillow better.  Maybe he gave the dog the bear??? 

8 1/2 x 11" Freezer Paper
Wool Felt
Exacto Knife
Filling - or cotton balls
Embroidery Thread
Optional:  My Tooth Template

1. Draw on freezer paper your tooth design or print my template on to freezer paper.
2. Cut out and iron freezer paper onto wool.  Cut out body and remove freezer paper.  Repeat for a total of  2 body pieces.
3. Cut out eyes from the same paper with exacto knife.
4. Iron eyes on wool, cut out and remove freezer paper.

5.  Do the same as #4 for the 2nd layer of eyes.
6.  Do the same as #4 for the 3rd layer of eyes.
7.  Cut out teeth- I numbered them for placement.
8. Take freezer paper tooth and iron back on the the cut piece of wool and trace with a water soluble marker the eyes and mouth on to wool for placement of your felt pieces. Remove paper when done tracing.

9. Sew eye layers together, then sew eyes and teeth on to the tooth body.  Stem stitch or machine stitch around the mouth and cut and an opening in between the stitches.
10. Cut out a pocket and glue around all the edges of pocket using fabric tac. Place pocket on back of pillow covering the mouth.
11. Put right sides together and sew using a 1/4" seam allowance.  Leave around  2" opening along the side for turning. I like to use Wonder Clips (my new favorite gadget) instead of pins, it keeps the pieces together without any bunching.
12. Fill with stuffing and sew up opening.  I used cotton balls in a single layer to get a flat looking pillow.

Now it is ready for some teeth.  Hopefully no dog teeth will touch this one!


  1. Oh my gosh! This is so adorable!! I remember when I was little my teeth would fall off my bed at night, and this would have solved that issue.

  2. How cute! What an awesome craft, pinning! Thanks for sharing it at my party!

  3. This is super cute, and you make it look so easy!
    I found you thourgh Pinkapotamus and have just started following you.

    Thanks for posting this project, looking forward to seeing more of your posts!

    Come and say hi sometime =)

  4. This is sooooooo cute! Really adorable :)

  5. Such a cute idea! I love the face :D

  6. These are awesome and so cute! We would love to invite you to join us on Saturday Show & Tell on Cheerios and Lattes. I know our readers will love your ideas! Have a great weekend!
    Mackenzie :)

  7. I love this, really cute and could be easily for a boy or girl!

    Melissa L.
    I signed up to be a follower on your blog, and I would love and apprecaite you to become a follower on mine!

  8. I love this! How cute it turned out! Stopping by from I Heart Nap Time.
    Heather @ NoBusinessLikeSewBusiness

  9. This is so fun! I bet your grandson loves it!

  10. Oh my goodness, this is just too stinkin' cute! It's such a great idea, and I hope that the dog doesn't get to this one!

  11. Your newest tooth fairy pillow is so very cute. Stopping by to say Hi from the blog hop. Come visit sometime, tea is cold and no shoes are required. Kathy B. New follower.

  12. Too cute!

    Too bad I didn't think of this a long time ago when my father got his dentures. He would have had a great laugh!

  13. THanks for stopping by my blog. I saw this project on a link up--so cute! Happy to follow back!

  14. I love it! What an adorable pillow! Thanks for linking up with Making Space Mondays. I hope to see you again next week! -Tabitha

  15. Aw! that "monster" that did the chewing is precious! and you are very clever to up with a new kind of tooth fairy pillow - love the googly eyes.

  16. That is adorable! Thank you for sharing!

    New follower from Sumo's Sweet Stuff. Love for you to stop by and return the follow when you can.
    Also hosting Mom's Monday Mingle. Love for you to link up and mingle.

  17. This is adorable Paula and such excellent instructions. Thanks for sharing at "I Gotta Try That" Have a great day!

  18. He is ADORABLE!!!
    i would love it if you would share this great idea at our link up party!!
    Hope to see you there

  19. So cute! I love that the pocket is in the mouth. Thanks so much for sharing at Etcetorize this week~

  20. Hopefully the dog will leave this one alone! I’m so glad you linked this up at One Creative Weekend! I love it! I’d love for you to join the party again tomorrow.

  21. What a cute project! The fact that the pocket is in the mouth is priceless! ~ I am your newest follower! :-)
    I would love for you to visit my blog at :-) Tonya

  22. That is darling! Love it! Thanks so much for sharing at Thursday's Temptation. I am featuring this at the link party!

  23. What a super fun idea! One of my favorite memories is my well-meaning dad waking us up in the middle of the night and loudly whispering, "Ssh, go back to bed," as he made a not-so-stealthy retreat back to his room. Best toothfairy ever, in my opinion =)

  24. Great job - so impressed! Love your blog name too! Joined your site & would love you to join mine too to keep the blogging dream alive; I blog daily about what I make with my young ones:
    Best wishes, Linda. x

  25. It's such a cute pillow! no wonder your grandson likes it a lot. Thanks for sharing this at the Crafty Saturday Party, Paula! We will be featuring this at the party today. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us this week!


  26. oh my gosh!! how very cute and fun!!
    I am your newest follower from the hop..pls follow back if you can.
    maybe that would also help the tooth fairy to REMEMBER those teeth she has been forgetting about lately...

  27. THat is so adorable. Sad that the dog got a hold of the original stuffed animal!

    I'm your newest follower from the Monday Mingle

  28. This is adorable and such a great idea! Thanks for sharing.

  29. I am your latest follower! Supremely talented:-) I love this monster you sell?

    I would love to hook up for a review/giveaway



  30. Just found you on the Monday Mingle. Great site! I followed the site via GFC . Would love a follow back.

