

Yucca Plant

About 3 years ago Jon bought a couple of Yucca plants through one of those plant mail order catalogs and one of them finally bloomed.  These are such incredible flowers, I just love them I had to share!  The flowers have a waxy bell look. Too bad there is only one shoot but I will take it!  I don't really know how long the bloom last but I hope a while it is so pretty.

My grapes are coming along too!  My sister teased me last year about my grapes calling me "Lucy" from the I Love Lucy show because of the famous grape stomping episode. So maybe I should put a big grape vat in the backyard and make wine the old fashion way!  haha 
 I bet it is good exercise!

  And the raspberries are is full swing. 

Liebster Award

Today I received on comment on my blog post that I have been honored with the Liebster Blog Award by Jessica at healthier, happy blog.  To be honest with you I have never heard of it before, but I found out from Jessica at healthier, happy blog it is an award for inspiring bloggers with less than 200 followers.  Thank you Jessica for visiting my blog and passing this award on to me.

"Liebster" means "Dearest" in German and the award is a "share the love arrangement" that is given to inspirational bloggers with less than 200 followers.  There is a list of things that recipients are required to do upon receiving the award.

  1. Thank the person who presented you with the award on your blog.
  2. Link back to the blogger who gave you the award.
  3. Copy and paste the award on your blog
  4. Present the Liebster Award to 5 other bloggers with less than 200 followers.
  5. Let them know you've chosen them by leaving a comment on their blog.

I am happy to award the Liebster Blog Awards to:

Brittany  @ Buttons, Birds and BS


Tanner's 1st Birthday

Yesterday was my grandson Tanner 1st Birthday. He decided that it was much easier just to put his face in the cake instead of his using hands to eat it. These are a few photos that didn't have his face buried in the cake. He is a little poser!


Recipe Card Holder

I thought these would be a fun way to share my favorites recipes with friends. And they are quick and easy to make!


Old Wooden Spool
Memo Pin
Cotton Ball/Pad
Bakers Twine
Recipe Cards (click for template)
Hot Glue Gun

  1. Insert your cotton into the center of the spool leaving about 1/4 at the top.
  2. Wrap Bakers Twine single layer onto your spool.
  3. Put hot glue in the top of the spool and insert your memo pin making sure to go through a little of the cotton.  Optional: Bend pin a little at the top so recipe card lays at a slight angle when inserted.
  4. Print Recipe Cards.  I glued my cards onto card stock for a nice border. Write down your favorite recipe and share with a friend!